Hackathon Women in AI Safety Research 👩‍🔬

March the 8th will be International Women’s day ! 👩‍♀️

42 Artificial Intelligence is pleased to contribute to this cause by hosting a jam site for the Women in AI Safety Research Hackathon, a worldwide event co-organized by ApartResarch, BlueDot, and WomenWhoDoData (W2D2) ! ✨

​✅ No prior AI safety experience required

​🧑‍💻 Participants should bring their own laptops

👫 ​The hackathon is open to both women and men

Shape the future of safe and ethical AI development! 🧙‍♀️

“Whether you’re a researcher, developer, policy enthusiast, or new to AI safety - join us for an empowering weekend of innovation and collaboration. No prior AI safety experience required. Together, we can build the foundational tools and frameworks needed for responsible AI development.”

As AI systems become increasingly powerful and pervasive, diverse perspectives in their development and safety mechanisms are more crucial than ever.

This hackathon provides a platform for participants to:

  • Collaborate with leading women researchers and practitioners in AI safety
  • Develop practical solutions to pressing AI safety challenges
  • Build lasting connections in the AI safety community
  • Receive mentorship from experienced professionals
  • Present ideas to industry experts

Step into research by writing your first co-authored research paper ! 👩‍🔬

Find out more details about the competition and the available tracks on the competition’s site 🔍


Registration to the Hackathon on Apart website is mandatory 👇

  • https://www.apartresearch.com/event/women-in-ai-safety-hackathon

In order to access 42AI’s jam site on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 (10 AM - 7 PM), you also need to register to this lu.ma event 👇

  • https://lu.ma/pl1m1i4y

42AI will create a dedicated Discord server to allow participants to discuss, share resources and make teams prior to the start of the event.

Looking forward to seeing you all next week-end ! Time to shine !🌟

The 42AI team 🚀

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